Monday, July 09, 2007

hello there,

its been a wee while since i last wrote a post, basically because i've been busy more than anythin.

tryna think about whats been goin on playing catch up a wee bit,

a certain someone left MAGMH last week, i will miss her so much as a colleague and good friend, i'm sure we'll meet up again, but i realise that it just won't be the same at the office without her.

i can't wait till this wed, i'm goin to c 'the gossip' one of my fav bands of the min, i luv there individuality, disregard for the norm & the guts to embrace their non conventional image.
anyway i'll let you know how good the gig!
take care


klahanie said...

Hey Purkul-
Have a great time at the 'Gossip' concert. At least you now know where it is.
Here's hoping your former colleague has a wonderful, positive future.
Stay cool Purkul.

emma said...

How good was that gig!!!Amazing, stirring stuff.