Friday, April 13, 2007

let the sun shine in!!!

hya all,

my i take this opportunity to say what a difference a bit of sun makes!!!!

normally i'm not a great fan of the sun on account of being generally uncomfortable, hot and bothered and the fact that it reveals just how much weight ya need to loose mean as though everyone else is doing the whole beach babe goddess thang!

 but that said i'm loving it! just seems to make the whole concept of getting out of bed in the morning and then doing something worth while once your out of there that little bit easier!

postitive thing...

its sunny! let the sun shine in!!


emma said...

it does make the world of difference doesnt it!

Alec said...

Yaaaaay! We love the sun and the bright mornings and the long evenings. (But we're getting desperate for a drop of rain for all those thirsty little plants...)

tone the blueshawk said...

yes yes yes - altho Alec is right about the plants - we'll have to water the allotment today