Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Apedale was ace!

Hya all,

went on a photographic workshop trip out to apedale yesterday with fellow mind blogglers! I've never been there before twas really nice, def worth another visit!
turned out to be a totally top day, great weather, great views, greatest of all.... great company! top stuff!
thought i'd put a few of the pics on but its taking far too long so if you go to the following link there's a few on there!

positive thing....

i'm sorry to keep on but how fabulous is this sun!


klahanie said...

Hi Purkul-
How's it goin' eh? (that's a typical Canadian expression) I'm really glad you had a great time at Apedale. I hope that I can participate soon.
Happy car washing!

Domenica said...

Hi Purkul,
We did have a great time didn't we?
The photos I've seen so far are brilliant! - so glad you managed to get a pic of the butterfly!
Hopefully next time there will be a few more of us,(the more the merrier!) D x

emma said...

I know - was so pleased to see the photo of the butterfly. There are some really great photos.