To run like you did when you were a kid!
hya all,
its a funny old game ain't it life! (and what a funny old place to start a blog!)
i went for a walk today with my niece, nowhere far away or expensive just a regular walk in the country (city country that is! but green things and ducks were involved)
& well it got me thinking of how special it is
To run like ya did when u were a brill it must be,
to run and not know,
or need to know where u r going,
how fab it really was,
to not give a thought to falling down,
or the hurt you may have.
so liberating,
to not care who's watching,
such a joy,
not having a thing that it is that you've got to do,
not having a concept of time,
let alone a need to check how your doing for it.
to run, just for the joy of running itself.
i want to run like i did,
when i was a kid,
or as close to it as i can get
knowing what i know now,
but well, thinking about it,
knowing what i now know,
might make the run even more fun,
knowing what a precious thing that run really is.
Funny ain't it how things just grab u, i just found it to be a really profound moment really, funny as that sounds. just this everyday walk kinda thing.
Memory & our capacity to learn is an important thing, as children it stops us from putting our hand back on the cooker after finding out that it hurt the last time.
But then again in the same way such experiences, as we get older can act to self limit our opportunities and potential for the future and even dampen the present.
So i'm gonna try and give it a go.
& i wanna dedicate this post to me niece for teaching me a great lesson in life (without even realising she's done it!) cheers chicken!