Tuesday, May 15, 2007


hya all, i'll leave ya with this pic i took yesterday, its the view i c 2wice a day as i get into my car.

on the one hand i c it as quite historic really and for some reason i can't quite put me finger on poignant. purkul x


emma said...

What an absolutely brilliant picture. It sums up stoke. Keeping pot banks for nostalgia - it is very poigniant. You have such a good eye Purkul, naturally artistic.

tone the blueshawk said...

stunning shot - you have got a good eye - keep taking pics as much as you can - at least 10 a day (doctor's orders) - txxx

Alec said...

Personally, I feel we're losing too much in this city, repeating the mistakes that were made with large-scale clearance of housing in the 1960s and 70s where whole communities were displaced and dispersed, and the houses were replaced with poor quality buildings.

It's too easy to get carried away when "improving" things for other people.