Sunday, January 28, 2007



how time fly's when your having fun!

i've been tryna learn my forst ever chord song on the guitar and the last 2 days have flown!!

i have had a wee dabble before at little melodies and well known riffs but i've always had trouble with chords. i kinda put me fingers in the right place play the note 1ce and thats as far as i get! I think its because i'm scared of making a noise in a way!

the song i decided to start with is songbird by oasis, reason because sum1 sed that's an easy 1 cuz its only got 2 chords!

well if thats easy i'd like c a difficult 1!!!!

positive thought....
i'm luvin the focus and determination i seem to have gained with regards to my guitar, i've never felt motivation like this! great stuff! i just want to play it all the time and learn loads of new songs NOW!


emma said...

I'm privileged to know how well you play this. Keep them fingers movin Purkul!

tone the blueshawk said...

sorry - don't know how I missed this post
sometimes it's slog, sometimes the most frustrating thing, but mostly it is utterly absorbing - playing something just right is so satisfying. I've been playing guitar over 40 years - just about the only activity (apart from breathing) I've stuck with so much commitment. Go for it.... txxx

tone the blueshawk said...

BTW - I really like your blog's new look - light and airy... txxx